At VHVH, we recommend vaccinating puppies as soon as 7 weeks old for Distemper and Parvovirus. Puppies require boosters for the distemper and Parvovirus every 3-4 weeks until 18-20 weeks to maximize their efficacy.
Leptospirosis is a vaccine recommended in this area since this disease can cause serious illnesses. At VHVH, can be included in the Distemper and Parvovirus vaccine we use here. It is recommended to start this vaccine at 12 weeks and booster once 3-4 weeks later.
A one year Rabies Virus vaccine as early as 12 weeks of age is required by Lancaster County.
Bordetella, or “Kennel Cough” can be given as early as 7 weeks of age. This vaccine is recommended for dogs that will be around other dogs frequently, such as going to the groomers, boarding facilities, and dog parks. Some facilities, and dog parks. Some facilities require this vaccine to be boostered every 6-12 months for boarding or grooming services.
Adult Dogs
We recommend annual boosters for Distemper-Parvovirus-Leptospirosis and Bordetella.
Rabies is required by law to be boostered on year after initial vaccine, then boostered every 3 years, thereafter.
Bordetella is recommended to be boostered annually. This vaccine is recommended for dogs that will be around other dogs frequently, such as going to the groomers, boarding facilities, and dog parks. Some facilities require this vaccine to be boostered every 6-12 months for boarding or grooming services.
Other canine vaccines are commercially available, such as the Lyme disease vaccine. If you have questions about other vaccines, please consult with our veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
Parasite Prevention / Recommended Vaccines
Fleas, ticks and heartworms are a common concern for our pets. All of these parasites are easily picked up if not on the correct preventative. We carry multiple preventatives to ensure we are able to provide you with the best one for your pet and you.
Semi-annual fecal exams are highly recommended to monitor for intestinal parasites. During these exams, we can detect roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, coccidia and giardia.
Depending on your pet’s lifestyle, additional canine vaccines such as Canine Influenza (doggy flu) and the Lyme disease vaccine are recommended. If you have questions about other vaccines, please consult with our veterinarians and veterinary technicians.